When you sit in your house do you love everything about it? I don’t know very many people that would answer yes to that question. There is typically some parts of your house that you absolutely love and other parts that you wish you could change. Many times people will sit and look at their house and try to decide if the things they do not like in their home are worth remodeling or if they should just move. Today Anytime Remodeling & Design is going to go over some reasons why remodeling may be the best option for you.
Emotional Attachment to Family Home
One of the top reasons that people consider remodeling instead of moving is because they have an emotional attachment to their home. If you have raised your kids in your current home, your home will have so many memories for you. You have watched your kids come home from the hospital to this home; say their first word in this home; take their first steps in this home; leave for their first date from this home; and so much more. When you think about moving out of the home that houses those memories it may be too much for you to bear. The good news is that you can update and remodel your house so that it will be the house that you want AND still have all of the memories you love and cherish.
Remodeling Home to Stay in Neighborhood
The next reason that most people choose to remodel instead of move is that they love their neighborhood. Every town and city has areas of town that are more desirable. If your current home is in one of those areas it can be hard to move. You may also just simply love your neighbors. Many homeowners have spent years cultivating relationships with their neighbors. For many people their neighbors are truly their closest friends. Remodeling allows you to stay by your friends so that you do not lose the connection with your dearest friends.
Average Cost for Home Renovation
Many homeowners are concerned about how they will be able to pay for remodeling their home. Remodeling your home is indeed an expensive undertaking. You may be surprised to discover that most people do not spend as much as you may think on their renovations. According to Zillow’s annual Housing Aspirations Report the average cost of remodeling a home is $15,000. Clearly some people will spend more and some people will spend less but $15,000 is the average number. You can save the money needed for your projects or you can get a loan. Many consumers choose to take a little bit of equity out of their home to remodel their residence. The good news is that remodeling your home will increase the value of your home. If you ever do choose to sell your home you will be able to recoup some or all of your money that you spent on the project.
Is it Cheaper to Remodel or Buy a New House?
Another advantage of remodeling is that it is much cheaper than moving and selling your home. Most of the time when homeowners start to research what it would cost to purchase a home that would have everything that they want it the price of that home is more than they are wanting to spend. Higher house costs means that your mortgage would be more expensive. When you compare your current mortgage with what your new mortgage payment would be many people decide that it is not worth it to move.
Home Remodelers in Agoura Hills, Reseda, Tarzana, Valley Village, North Hollywood, Encino, Studio City, Beverly Hills, Van Nuys & Sherman Oaks & West Los Angeles, California
If you have decided that remodeling is a better option for you give us a call here at Anytime Remodeling & Design. We can come out and talk to your about what your needs are and how we can help you achieve your desired outcome in your home. We can’t wait to come and help you! Contact us today!