DIY Regrettable Home Improvement Projects in Pomona, CA & Why You Should Hire Remodelers

With all the home improvements shows on TV it’s hard not to get excited about what you can do in your home. Biting off more than you can chew can end up costing you more in the long run. A new survey form Zillow concluded that nearly three-quarters of homeowners have completed a DIY project in the past three years. However, 40 percent of them wished they hadn’t. Just because you can do it yourself, doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Complicated jobs like electrical work, plumbing and tile setting should be left to skilled professionals. Painting on the other hand, you can almost definitely handle on your own; even if you have zero experience.

Least Regretted DIY Projects

1. Replace light fixtures
2. Replace cabinet hardware
3. Paint one or two rooms
4. Install new appliances
5. Replace plumbing fixtures

Most Regretted DIY Projects

1. Adding or expanding a room
2. Installing tile
3. Refinishing a basement or attic
4. Installing new carpeting
5. Refinishing or installing new hardwood floors

Why People Regret DIY Home Renovations

The reasons these projects are regretted are that they almost always take longer than anticipated, they are almost always more difficult than expected and technically harder. These projects cost more than expected and there are even situations where damage to the home was caused, not to mention you may even get hurt in the process. But the biggest reason for a disappointing home project is the finished project just didn’t look as good as they hoped it would. What a disappointment after all that blood, sweat and tears! To avoid the common pitfalls that come with DIY projects, homeowners really need to do some research before they start so they know exactly what they’re getting themselves into and what to expect during the process. Find out what other people had to say about the project you’re about to take on. This research may even help you decide if you’re willing to take it on.

Should I Hire a Professional Home Remodeler

The tricky part may be trying to figure out which projects you can handle on your own and which ones need a professional’s expertise. The answer will come after you consider your skill level, available time and the overall cost. Three reasons you should always call professional are one, if it could kill you, two, if it could destroy your home and three, if it requires a permit. Estimate the cost and time it will take and work out your savings on a per-hour basis.

Whole House Remodeling & More in Agoura Hills, Reseda, Tarzana, Valley Village, North Hollywood, Encino, Studio City, Beverly Hills, Van Nuys & Sherman Oaks & West Los Angeles, California

As tempting as it may be to save money on home improvements by doing them yourself, it just might not be worth it. You may end up spending more money when you need to hire experts to come in to redo the job. You’ll be better off hiring the pros in the first place, so give Anytime Remodeling & Design a call to get started.

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