There are several scenarios that lead to homeowners considering an ADU on their property. Whether you have aging parents that you would like to have close, older children that need a place to come home to, or a way to expand your current home without moving to get the added space, an ADU (accessory dwelling unit) is a great way to get that much needed space. Before you get started on your ADU plans, Anytime Remodeling is here to talk about some things that you should consider before you finalize anything.
Design & Style of Home
As you make plans for your ADU, you are going to want to take a good look at your home. Take inventory of the materials that make up your home whether its brick, stone or siding and plan your ADU to match it. If you don’t, you could end up hurting the value of your home. You want your ADU to compliment your current home.
ADU Development Standards & Requirements
It doesn’t matter where you live, you are going to have to follow certain rules and regulations when it comes to building an ADU on your property. If you live in an HOA, there may be certain rules that you need to follow. You need to look at your local development standards and regulations before you get too involved in the planning process.
Good Size for ADU
The size of your ADU is something you need to put some serious consideration into. You want the space to be large enough that friends, family and tenants have enough space to make it worth building. However, you don’t want the dwelling to be so large that space is wasted. Remember, you have to pay to heat and cool this space as well as provide electricity for it.
Access to Accessory Dwelling Unit
How are people going to get to and from the guesthouse? You will want to have a door specifically for the ADU even if it is attached to your home. If you are thinking that older people will be using your ADU, you will possibly need to have a wheelchair ramp built to allow them easy access.
Type of ADU
If you are planning on an ADU for your property, there are several ways that you can achieve it. Here are some of the different types of ADUs you can choose from when considering what your needs are for your home and the property size you are working with.
– Detached ADU
– Attached ADU
– Above Garage ADU
– Converted Garage ADU
– Interior (Basement) ADU
– Interior (Upper Floor) ADU
ADU Addition & More in Beverly Hills, Bradbury, Brentwood, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Pacific Palisades, San Marino, Santa Monica, Pasadena, Ventura, Woodland Hills, CA | Los Angeles County & Southern California
If you are interested in an ADU for your property, you can rely on Anytime Remodeling to help you plan for and build an ADU that will fit the needs of your home and family. We will ensure the job is done to perfection so that you can enjoy that added space without the hassle of relocating. Call us today!